
2020 Net Promoter Score

Are you interested in great service and support?
Many companies claim that they have the "Best service in the business" but few even have a way to measure how happy customers are. Here at Image Systems & Business Solutions we have a system that allows us to capture feedback after every service call. We use the Net Promoter Score system The average N. American company has a Net Promoter Score® of 30. ISBS finished December at 100% and over 96% for the entire year.

2020 Net Promoter Score

Many companies claim that they have the "Best service in the business" but few even have a way to measure how happy customers are. Here at Image Systems & Business Solutions we
have a system that allows us to capture feedback after every service call. We use the Net Promoter Score system


The Automated AI Temperature Screening System (AATSS) is your business's fastest and least intrusive way to protect your customers and employees.
Temperature Detection < 3 seconds
Show employees and customers you care about their health & safety
Measurement Accuracy ±0.5 °F

Return to Work – Protect your Employees and Limit your Liability

As COVID stay-at-home orders relax and you consider returning you and your employees to the workplace, have you considered the following questions? What steps have you taken to prevent the spread of infection for your employees and visitors? How do you protect your business against unwarranted liability claims? Do you have the tools to comply with state and federal laws? After being closed or remote for months, you are eager to reopen your office. It is time to start focusing on the successful operation of your business, but there is a challenge: How to reopen safely and securely?

2020 Net Promoter Score

Many companies claim that they have the "Best service in the
business" but few even have a way to measure how happy
customers are. Here at Image Systems & Business Solutions we
have a system that allows us to capture feedback after every
service call. We use the Net Promoter Score system
The average N. American company has a Net Promoter Score® of 30.
Some well-loved companies reach scores into the 70s and 80s


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